Sunday, January 2, 2011

30 for 30

i was raised in a resale clothing store, so i know the value of a dollar and how ridiculous it is to spend too much money on clothing. i have always had access to a ton of clothing and because of that i often had times when i was not able to close my closet door. since i moved out on my own, i have started to edge away from my frugal upbringing. ( told me that i spend over $200 on clothes last month. yikes!)

well it is the beginning of a new year and the perfect time for resolutions, changes, and challenges. it is time for me to learn how to use what i have in my closet to the fullest and i plan to do this by taking the 30 for 30 challenge. kendi from kendi everyday created the challenge and it is designed to help you figure out how to use your closet in interesting ways.

basic rules:
1. pick out 30 pieces of clothing from your wardrobe and for 30 days you can only wear those 30 items.
2. accessories, underwear, pjs, coats, and workout clothes don't count.
3. you can never wear the same exact outfit twice.

so there you go. that is what i am doing for the next 30 days. i was inspired to take the challenge by my friend lauren. you can follow her experience with 30 for 30 here.

here are my picks for the next 30 days!

10 tops

1 dress

6 pairs of pants

2 skirts

6 jackets/ cardigans

5 pairs of shoes

i hope that adds up to 30... i was an english major after all.
wish me luck!

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